Linux: File System Hierarchy
In this tutorial is described Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which specifies required directories. The root directory is “/” and it should contain only the subdirectories.
- Contains binaries which can be executed from the command line (ls, grep, mkdir…)
- Programs that can be used by users (system, admin, normal users)
- It can be in single-user mode
- Contains everything required for the boot process
- Kernel
- Grant Unified Boot-loader
- LILO (LInux LOader)
- Binaries
- Program used by system and admin
- Normal users can use programs in /bin if they are allowed
- Usually, normal users do not have this directory in $PATH variable
- Files of all devices
- Created during installation operating system.
- Create new devices: /dev/MAKEDEV
File | Description |
Sda | First SCSI drive on the SCSI/SATA bus |
md0 | First group of meta discs (RAID) |
ttyS0 | First serial port |
lp0 | First parallel printer |
null | bin for bits |
random | Deterministic random bits |
urandom | Non-deterministic random bits |
File | Description |
passwd | Users information |
fstab | Partition and storage mounting information |
rc or rc.d or rcX.d | Run commands – commands that runs when OS starts |
- The home directory for users
- All data and system settings of users
- Can be divided into groups (school, office, financial)
- Home directory for user root
- Normal users don’t have permissions.
- Libraries for programs
- /lib/modules: kernel modules, network controls, file system control
- Temporary files
- Used by running programs
- Mounting temporary file systems
- File systems from /etc/fstab are mounted during start OS
- Network file systems
- /media: DVD, USB
- Programs, libraries installed from OS distribution
- Accessible for everyone
- /usr/
Directory | Description |
local | Software installed by admin on local device |
X11R6 | Files of Windows OS |
bin | Almost all commands for users |
sbin | Usually server’s programs |
include | Header files for C language |
lib | Stable libraries |
- /usr/share/
Directory | Description |
X11 | Files of Windows OS |
dict | Glossary |
man | Manual pages |
doc | Documentation |
info | Information files |
src | source files |
Contains files that are changed when OS is running.
Subdirectory | Description |
log | Logging files |
run | Run-time variable data |
spool | Program using queue (mails, printers) |
Mailbox | |
local | variable data from /usr/local |
lib | Holds dynamic data libraries/files |
lock | Lock files. Indicates that resource (database, file) is in use and should not be accessed by another process. |
Third-party software
- Created by OS kernel
- Information about system
- Stored only in RAM
- Does not use any disc space
- Every process has a subdirectory (by PID)
Subdirectory | Description |
/PID/status | Stats about process |
/PID/cmdline | How was the process started and what input arguments |
/PID/maps | Region of contiguous virtual memory in a process or thread |
/PID/environ | Environment of process |
- Interesting files
File | Description |
cpuinfo | Information about CPU |
meminfo | Usage of memory |
version | Kernel version |
cmdline | Kernel’s parameters from the boot loader |
devices | List of drivers for the kernel |
interrupts | Which interrupts are used and how many times |
ioports | list of currently registered port regions used for input or output communication. |
dma | ISA Direct Memory Access channel |
kcore | Image of physical system memory |
cmdline | Kernel’s parameters from the boot loader |
cmdline | Kernel’s parameters from the boot loader |
- Recovered or damaged data after a crash.
- Each partition has its own /last+found directory.