Control Structures in Linux BASH

The Linux BASH provides many operators to check against test keyword
We are going to explain the Conditional comparison Operators for the Keyword parameter totest or [

For a detailed explanation of the Keyword test or [ Please refer to our Control Structure: Bash If then Else.


File Comparison Operators
Condition Explanation
-d “$file” Returns true if the file exists and is a directory
-e “$file” Returns true if the file exists.
-f “$file” Returns true if the file exists and is a regular file
-h “$file” Returns true if the file exists and is a symbolic link


String Comparators Condition  Explanation
“$str” = “$str2” True if string $str is equal to string $str2. Not best for integers.
“$str” != “$str2” True if the strings are not equal
-z “$str” True if length of string is zero
-n “$str” True if length of string is non-zero


Integer Comparators Condition Explanation
“$int1” -eq “$int2” True if the integers are equal
“$int1” -ne “$int2” True if the integers are not equals
“$int1” -gt “$int2” True if $int1 is greater than $int2
“$int1” -ge “$int2” True if $int1 is greater than or equal to $int2
“$int1” -lt “$int2” True if $int1 is less than $int2
“$int1” -le “$int2” True if $int1 is less than or equal to $int2


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